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Terms and Conditions

Scope and Definitions

These Terms and Conditions, together with information about Payments and Shipping, Exchanges and Returns, Customer Care, Size Guide, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Privacy and Cookies Policy are intended to regulate the terms and conditions governing the Service provided by Tem-Tem – Sapatos, Lda with headquarters at Calçada da Tapada 75, 4 Dto, 1300-547 Lisbon, tax identification number 517027542 and capital of €6,000, hereinafter referred to as Tem-Tem.

The Service consists of the sale of Products ordered and/or purchased by the User through the website, hereinafter referred to as the Online Store. the Service is the Customer Support provided before and after the purchase of the Product, within the limits imposed by the Terms and Conditions.

The Product, which is sold at the Price indicated in the Online Store, includes, but is not limited to, respectful and/or barefoot footwear for children who are learning to walk. Tem-Tem reserves the right to change, add or replace the Product sold in the Online Store.

Orders for Products placed through the Online Store are subject to stock availability. Hereinafter, Stock refers to the quantity of Product stored by Tem-Tem and available for sale.

The User, who is browsing the Online Store, using its functionalities or ordering Products, declares to be 18 years of age or older, ensuring that he has full legal capacity and powers necessary to accept these Terms and Conditions.

The User accepts, without any reservations, all provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions, including the Payments and Shipping information, Exchanges and Returns policies and Privacy Policy.

Using the Online Store

Tem-Tem strives to ensure that the Online Store has the security levels considered adequate for safe use by the User.

Tem-Tem cannot be held liable for loss or damage arising from misuse, even if accidental, of the Online Store or for loss or damage arising from equipment malfunctions, computer viruses, interference, service interruptions, operating system failures, or other factors that are beyond its control and that may temporarily prevent the use of the Online Store or the provision of the Service to the User.

Tem-Tem may prohibit the User, without prior notice, from using certain features of the Online Store in case of identification or suspicion of violation of the Terms and Conditions.

While using the Online Store or when purchasing Products, the User shall provide personal data, payment data and correct addresses and shall not provide false identities or addresses.

If the personal data, payment data and addresses provided by the User are incorrect or insufficient and, for this reason, there is a delay or impossibility in processing the order, or eventual impossibility of delivering the Product, the responsibility will be of the User, and Tem-Tem declines any responsibility.

Data and information consultation carried out by the User within the scope of the Service provided, are presumed to have been carried out by the User. Tem-Tem declines any responsibility arising from the abusive or fraudulent use of the information obtained.

Product Information

The Products presented in the Online Store, which can be purchased by the User, contain images and information regarding their characteristics.

Products that are not available for purchase due to discontinuation, out of stock or other reasons, may not contain detailed information on the Online Store.

Tem-Tem strives to ensure that the information made available on the Online Store about the Products is free from errors and, should these occur, Tem-Tem undertakes all efforts for immediate correction.

Tem-Tem also strives to make every effort to keep the information on the Products available in the Online Store up to date.

Tem-Tem may change or delete any information about the Products and respective Stocks without any prior notice, with the exception of what is provided for by law.

Although the images presented in the Online Store try to faithfully represent the Product, the User recognizes that these images are merely illustrative.

The User also acknowledges that, as they are handmade, the Products may differ slightly from the images shown in the Online Store.

Additionally, it is essential that the User carefully reads the instructions provided on the Size Guide, in order to ensure the correct choice of Product size before proceeding with your order.

It is the User’s responsibility to fully read the information relating to the characteristics, warnings and instructions of the Product, which are made available in the Online Store. If there are any doubts about the Product, the User should contact Tem-Tem prior to placing an order.

Price of the Product

The Prices of the Products shown on the Online Store are valid exclusively for commercial transactions carried out through the Online Store.
The Price is in Euros, including Value Added Tax for each of the European Union countries to which Tem-Tem is able to send orders.

Unless otherwise stated, the Price does not include the cost of shipping. When the value of shipping costs is included in the Price, the conditions are indicated in the Online Store, in particular in the Payments and Shipping. It is also on this page that you can find the shipping costs, when they are available.

Tem-Tem strives to ensure that the information made available on the Online Store on Prices is free of errors and, should these occur, Tem-Tem undertakes all efforts for immediate correction.

In the event that the User acquires a Product in which Tem-Tem detects a Price error during the order processing phase, all efforts will be made to inform the User in order to give the option to confirm the order with the updated Price or, alternatively, cancel the order. If it is not possible to contact the User, the Product order will be cancelled and the full amount will be refunded.

Tem-Tem may change the Prices of the Products, without any prior notice, with the exception of what is provided for by law.

Buying Process

During the process of purchasing Products, the User must follow the steps and instructions presented in the Online Store. The main steps in the purchase process are as follows:

The order will be completed after confirmation of receipt of payment of the total amount shown in the Online Store, including the Price of the Products as well as shipping costs. Verification and confirmation of receipt of payment may not be immediate and will depend on the payment method selected by the User.

After payment has been confirmed and completed the order, the invoice for the order will be issued and sent, which cannot be changed.

When completing the order, the User enters into a contract with Tem-Tem, expressing his acceptance of the description of the Products, their Prices and these Terms and Conditions.

The Products will be shipped after confirmation of payment and completion of the order, unless there is no Stock of the Products ordered.

All orders for Products placed through the Online Store are subject to the availability of Stock of the Products.

Tem-Tem cannot be compelled to sell any Product that is not available and reserves the right to cancel any orders for Products without Stock.

If the Products ordered do not have Stock available, Tem-Tem will make every effort to inform the User immediately after becoming aware of the unavailability of Stock.

In case of temporary unavailability of Stock, making it impossible to deliver the Products within the agreed deadlines, Tem-Tem will contact the User with the aim of agreeing a new delivery deadline. In this case, the order may be maintained with the User’s written consent.

Alternatively, Tem-Tem may suggest a Product of equivalent Price and quality to the User. In this case, the order can only be sent with the written consent of the User.

If it is not possible to contact the User, if the User does not accept the alternatives presented or in case of permanent lack of Stock, the order will be cancelled and the total amount paid by the User will be refunded within 14 days after the notification of the order cancellation.

Although the purchase process can be changed without prior notice, Tem-Tem will make every effort to ensure the transparency of all steps and the clarity of the instructions presented in the Online Store.


To ensure the efficient updating of information on payment methods and the simplification of its understanding by the User, Tem-Tem provides the main details on the page Payments and Shipping, which the User acknowledges to be an integral part of these Terms and Conditions. It is, therefore, on this page that it will be possible to consult the payment methods that are available in this Online Store.

Tem-Tem has established partnerships with entities capable of guaranteeing the security of transactions carried out on the Online Store.

A mechanism is used to verify the authenticity of payments made, with the aim of safeguarding identification,integrity and security of the User data.

To guarantee the security of data and transactions, SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology is used, which encrypts the communications produced between the User’s device and the Online Store server, so that they cannot be intercepted.


To ensure the efficient updating of information on shipping methods and the simplification of its understanding by the User, Tem-Tem provides the main details on the page Payments and Shipping, which the User acknowledges to be an integral part of these Terms and Conditions. It is therefore on this page that it will be possible to consult the shipping methods that are available in this Online Store.

The shipping costs and, if applicable, the shipping cost exemption, are also presented to the User during the purchase process.

Tem-Tem established a partnership with shipping companies such as Yes Box – GLS Agency, capable of ensuring the secure processing of the User’s data and the timely delivery and in good condition of the Product within the territories indicated on the page Payments and Shipping. Tem-Tem may change, without prior notice, its partnerships with the shipping companies and/or occasionally resort to other logistics operator(s) not indicated in the Online Store.

Tem-Tem reserves the right to cancel any Product order whose destination address is not within the territories indicated on the page Payments and Shipping or in case of impossibility of delivery at the destination address.

The User acknowledges that, occasionally, there may be delays in the delivery of the Product for various reasons external to Tem-Tem, such as difficulty in delivering at the destination, delay by the shipping company or contracted transport, existence of public holidays, strikes or other force majeure events. Tem-Tem cannot be held responsible for delays arising from these situations or other situations over which it has no direct control.

Tem-Tem and the contracted shipping companies will strive to keep the User updated about the status of the Product’s delivery, either through sharing the tracking code, or through automatic notifications and even through direct contact with the User, in specific situations.

Delivery of the Product is deemed to have taken place with the signature of the receipt, receipt or delivery note, as well as when the tools made available by the shipping companies to track the order indicate that the Product has been delivered to the destination address.

Exchanges, Returns and Cancellations

To ensure the effective update of the policies for exchanges and returns of orders, as well as the simplification of their reading by the User, Tem-Tem provides all the information on the page Exchanges and Returns, which the User acknowledges to be an integral part of these Terms and Conditions. It is, therefore, on this page that it will be possible to consult the policies for exchanges and returns of orders that are available in this Online Store.

In accordance with the legislation, the User may exercise the right of withdrawal within a period of 14 days from the day on which he receives the Product. To exercise this right, the User must follow the instructions on the page Exchanges and Returns. Any refund procedure related to the User’s right of withdrawal will also be processed in accordance with the current legislation.

Tem-Tem strives to guarantee that the Products are free of defects and that the guarantees provided for by law are offered for the type of Product sold in this Online Store. Quality control is carefully carried out before the Product is shipped. In case of sending defective Product(s), the User must follow the instructions listed in the Defective Product section of the page Exchanges and Returns.

The User may cancel the order while it is in the processing phase. Instructions for order cancellation are indicated in the Cancellation section of the page Exchanges and Returns.

Customer Support, Complaints and Dispute Resolution

The User may contact Tem-Tem through the means indicated on the Customer Care for clarifications related to the Product(s), operation of the Online Store, order processing, exchanges and returns, among other matters.

The User may file a complaint regarding any issue, act, information or Service provided by Tem-Tem through the contacts indicated on the Customer Care or through the electronic Complaints Book available at this page.

In the event of a dispute, the User may resort to an Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution entity. For more information about this topic and the entities authorised for this purpose, the User should consult the page Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Privacy and Cookies Policy

To ensure the effective updating of the privacy and cookies policies, Tem-Tem provides all the information on the page Privacy and Cookie Policy, which the User acknowledges to be an integral part of these Terms and Conditions. It is, therefore, on this page that it will be possible to consult privacy and cookies policies, as well as of protection data regarding this Online Store.

Intellectual Property

The User acknowledges that the Online Store contains information that is protected by copyright and related rights, industrial property and other applicable legislation.

The User acknowledges that any content appearing in the publicity, highlight, promotion or mention of any advertiser is protected by laws relating to copyright and related rights, by laws relating to industrial property and other property protection laws, whereby any use of these contents can only occur under the express authorization of the respective owners.

The User undertakes to fully respect these rights, namely refraining from performing any acts that may violate the law or said rights, such as the reproduction, commercialization, transmission or making available to the public of such contents or any other unauthorised acts that have the same contents as their object.

Final Notes

Tem-Tem may change these Terms and Conditions, as well as Payment and Shipping information, Exchanges and Returns policies, Customer Care contacts, information contained in the Size Guide, information on Alternative Resolution of Consumer Disputes, Privacy and Cookies Policy and other elements of the Online Store at any time and without prior notice. When the amendment to the Terms and Conditions or other policies previously mentioned occurs after the date of provision of the Service, the Terms and Conditions and other policies that were in force at the time of provision of the Service will apply.

Any violation of the Terms and Conditions by the User constitutes sufficient grounds for termination by Tem-Tem. Regardless of the termination decision, violation of the Terms and Conditions by the User entitles Tem-Tem to be compensated for any damages that may arise.

The User agrees not to use the Products purchased for commercial purposes, namely for resale purposes. Therefore, the User must contact Tem-Tem if intended to purchase Products for resale purposes.

These Terms and Conditions were last updated on 15/05/2024.