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When does the baby take the first steps?

Quando é que o bebé dá os primeiros passos?

A cross-cutting issue for all first-time parents is the curiosity to know when the baby will start taking the first steps and walking around the whole house. The answer is not simple, but we will try to help.

Learning to walk is a rather complex process and each child does it in their own way and at their own pace. That is, there is no specific month when your baby is supposed to start walking. Some children start walking before they are 1 year old and others only around 14 months. If your baby isn’t walking yet, don’t compare him with your friends’ children, he’s learning and will certainly soon be exploring every inch of your home.

The process of starting to walk goes through several stages, and a baby does not necessarily go through all of them:

• Crawling – Not all babies crawl, but exploring the floor with both feet and hands at the same time is the first phase of your baby’s gait acquisition process. It usually happens between 6 and 9 months.

• Standing up – With growing curiosity and emerging independence, your baby will begin to try to move from a sitting position to a standing position. It usually happens around 9 months.

• Support – Aware that he still can’t do it alone, your baby will start trying to lean on furniture and other structures that allow him to stand up more easily and start taking his first steps. It usually happens between 9 and 12 months.

• Walking – At first it’s only 1 or 2 steps and, by this time, his bum will be hitting the ground a lot, but at this stage your baby is finally starting to walk independently and very soon you should start having to chase him. Get ready.

The acquisition of gait is a process that the baby will have to do alone, but there are some things you can do to help him, such as moving the furniture away and creating space for him to venture out or offering him small stimuli and motivation, such as your smile and open arms for a hug.

One thing you shouldn’t do is get a walker to help your baby walk. Not only some studies show that children who use baby walkers start walking later, but baby walkers are responsible for a lot of unfortunate accidents, and their sale is banned in several countries.

Walking is one of the most important and fun milestones in your baby’s first years. Get ready, it’s time to make intensive use of your phone’s camera 🙂

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